Oppa Hostel

you can reach this awesome hostel at
daehyun-dong seodaemun-gu 90-26 second floor, Seoul, South Korea



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Oppa Hostel is near Ehwa station line 2 and you can come within 5min.
Nearby hostel are lot of universities, hongdae and shinchon. If you go to Ehwa women university, you can buy lot of clothes and shoes. And if you go to shinchon, you can meet korea university students and eat lot of korea foods. Most popular place is hongdae. Here are lots of clubs, morden pub and live cafe. If you go to hongdae, you can watch Kpop street..

Oppa Hostel is a warm and friendly that welcomes travelers from all over the world. We have a wealth of experience in the industry and know what travelers value and need during their stay. Guests can relax in our chill out room; complete with comfy chairs, cable/satellite TV and movies.

One more thing is that you can use free internet and wifi during 24 hours. Per room has water purifier, refrigerator, air conditioner, TV , computer, charger, Hairdryer, soap and shampoo. There is a communal kitchen, where guests can make themselves a hearty meal or quick snack.

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14986 Hostels in Seoul (South Korea)

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