Beimen Hostel

you can reach this sensational hostel at
2F., No.21, Yanping S. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan



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Beimen Hostel located in Taipei Zhongzheng District, which only takes around 10 to 15 minutes to Taipei Main Station and Ximen MRT Station by walking. It is close to the MRT Station, High Speed Railroad, Bus Station and Taipei Railway Station and more. As a result, the guest can access to any place easily, since the transportation is very convenient in this area. Furthermore, famous attractions such as Taipei Underground Mall, Ximen Shopping Area, National Museum of History, SKM Shopping Mall and Q Square…etc, are near to our hostel location; this then create a suitable space for travelers to stay at. Beimen Hostel also offer numbers of fashion room with clean and modern style for all travelers to have a comfortable place to rest; teenagers, backpackers, and business man who have budget on traveling are all affordable to stay at Beimen Hostel due to our reasonable price.

Room type
Single bed
Room offered: 4 beds a room, 6 beds a room, 8 beds a room, 10 beds a room, and 12 beds a room
Female room: 8 beds a room

Queen size bed
Room offered: 6 beds a room and 12 beds a room
Female room: 8 beds a room

Min rate:

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