HI Maracaia

you can reach this super hostel at
Rodovia Porto Seguro-Sta Cruz de CabraliaBR 367-km, Porto Seguro, Brazil



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The Maracaia Hostel has 150 beds available to better accommodate you and your family, and is only 15 km from Porto Seguro.

The Hostel has a swimming pool and is located 5 minutes from the beach. We have rooms for couples, families and groups to 6 people. 24 hour reception (it's getting and staying)

Here is also our living room, where you can kill the homesickness of the tv and eat a snack in our cafeteria.

Recreation area (barbecue), parking, laundry, kitchen, small library and rental of bed linen. A super breakfast for recharging your batteries

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14986 Hostels in Porto Seguro (Brazil)

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