Books Hostel

you can reach this fantastic hostel at
Rua Francisco Muratori, 10, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil




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We know that you as a traveller booking a hostel need to know quick and clear answers to the most important questions concerning prices and facilities, so we've put together a brief list of some of the things we have to offer:

Weve got breakfast from 8am to 10.30am, with fruit, cereal and much more.

Theres also a book exchange, bike rental, free internet access, two kitchens and a tours desk.

You catch enjoy our bar and watch all the big championships on television, including the amazing champions league and Sunday Night Football on ESPN.

To talk about yourself is really difficult. We don't feel prepared to do it. We prefer to let the crowd speak for us. We just work very hard to provide great experiences here. We love Rio and we want you all to love it too.

So heres some things people have said about us: 'Books Hostel is a nice hostel with a great decoration and a plethora of cool people.' 'The place is full of cool artwork and has a good vibe'. 'Live here and be happy' is the motto on the wall, and we certainly live by it. The staff are a group of friends who love nothing more than hanging out with guests and make them feel right at home.' 'They help you beyond what you would expect.'If youre travelling alone Books is 'A fantastic place to meet other guests'. 'The hostel is located in the middle of Lapa and Santa Teresa' 'which hosts the most amazing street parties' and 'it is really easy to transport to the City and the Beaches.'

We can say that 'Caring, cultural and fun are the three best words to describe it.'

This is truly a gem of a place!

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14986 Hostels in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

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