Yerevan Hostel

you can reach this sensational hostel at
Tpagrichneri 5, Yerevan, Armenia




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Yerevan Hostel is perfectly located in the center of Yerevan enabling you to reach any destination with ease. Located 3 minutes from the main bus routes and metro. You will have 24 hour access to the city. If you choose to relax in the hostel there is a friendly atmosphere and always interesting people to meet and exchange travel stories with. Yerevan hostel also has some unique features and facilities for you to enjoy. Our hostel offers comfortable private rooms or shared rooms for up to 8 people. We offer full use of our modern/well-equipped kitchen and a cozy sitting area where you can relax with a cup of coffee or tea, listen to music, access WiFi and enjoy our big screen television with satellite. Every guest receives the best service and our friendly staff is always available to help you. Our doors are open 24 hours a day and we will be glad to see you anytime!

- Convenient location in the heart of the city
- Markets, nightlife and museums within walking distance
- 3 minute walk to Republic Square
- A quiet location, far from the traffic and noise
- Comfortable rooms cleaned daily
- Clean and modern showers, hot water 24 hours a day
- Laundry facilities
- Equipped with an up-to-date air-conditioning system
- Central heat
- Knowledgable staff available 24 hours a day
- Transit information provided
- Tours & airport pick up upon request


Tea/Coffee all day
Linen and blankets
Use of equipped kitchen
Use of computer/Skypephone
Satellite television
Internet & WiFi
Hairdryers, clocks & chargers to borrow
Map & info
Daily walking & crazy underground tours

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14986 Hostels in Yerevan (Armenia)

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